This website doesn’t work. I apologize for the weird organization. WordPress is literally is doing whatever it wants. I would love to organize each news network and different topics. If you would like to return back to see all of my unorganized articles go back to the original domain. Very frustrating.

The Engagement of Tolerance; Combating Dangerous Propaganda against Muslims

We have a huge intolerance problem in America today and it is only growing stronger with each piece of misleading propaganda. The Young Cons website has articles towards Muslims like an obsessed ex who won’t leave you alone. You can see pretty clearly they have a goal of directing your behavior to achieve a response…

Exposing The Young Conservatives Propaganda

On their website they have many obvious campaigns against liberals and Hillary Clinton on gun control, they make the Black Lives Matter movement seem like it’s all a bunch of thugs while ignoring the real problem at hand, and they give a false representation about Mexicans by showing individual examples of them doing bad things…