Exposing The Young Conservatives Propaganda

On their website they have many obvious campaigns against liberals and Hillary Clinton on gun control, they make the Black Lives Matter movement seem like it’s all a bunch of thugs while ignoring the real problem at hand, and they give a false representation about Mexicans by showing individual examples of them doing bad things while ignoring the big picture of all the good they are doing for our country and the fact that a lot of the illegals aren’t even Mexican. The statistics ignored here are ridiculous and this is clearly fueled by racism and hate or simply ignorance. Whatever it is, it is going to drag this country into ashes. The Young Conservatives use propaganda that has deliberate and systematic attempts to shape perceptions, they are organized and planned, and it affects beliefs or attitudes creating an ideology of misinformation and negative emotion towards different groups of people.

They have a clear campaign against the Black Lives Matter movement also known as ‘BLM.’ It is organized and very well planned. If you only know a little amount of statistics and facts this website can sway you very easily. One example is the article Titled “Black Lives Matter Nutjob Screams: “Kill All White Babies.” The very first line of text reads “It’s been said on more than one occasion, but I’ll drive the point home.” This gives a clear indication that planning has taken place and shows their comfort with bashing and attempting to create what is called a schema in psychology, which means you assume something about a group of people because of a single incident you had with an individual. Another line to prove my point is the author says “Don’t resist arrest, don’t get shot. Simple.” For one yes, some people deserve to be shot under certain circumstances. We get that. We are concerned with all the clearly compliant people getting shot. The police are trigger happy as ever. The Washington Post started keeping track of all the black deaths from police officers in the media and they counted on average 1,000 a year and that is not including the ones that were not reported. When deaths are happening this disproportionately it is a clear red flag and a certain problem that needs to be addressed. The police department is not required to report deaths to the feds so they are just getting away with murder like bug exterminators and it is just forgotten about. On this article is an attached video of a girl who is supposedly a black lives matter protester and screaming “Kill all white babies.” Yes, this lady is acting a little out of hand, but it is still ignoring the big picture. And still gives no justification for wrongful deaths or police brutality in any form. They are just trying to make the audience angry so that they will vote in favor of oppression. This is also a good example of manipulation of cognitions. Now, let’s take a look at a few more ridiculous mind twisting alternate realities. 

The amount of beliefs and attitudes they are trying to create with an ideology of misinformation and emotion towards groups on this website is truly saddening. And here we go with another generalize every racial group article titled, “2 Hispanics Caught Stealing Trump Signs, Beat White Women When She Confronts Them.” I have so many problems with this my eyes have turned red. First off if this story is even true it is not even close to newsworthy. The only reason anyone would add an article clearly steering opinions of an entire group is to gain political support for racist legislation and it is done with pure hatred in their hearts. This is clearly a hidden message to change emotion about illegal immigrants, so let me give you the big picture instead of a hate filled singled out story. First off, only fifty two percent of illegal immigrants are Mexican, so it is really unfair to single them out. A lot of them are coming from Central America and Asia running from tyranny. The funny thing is the latest census data shows nearly a million Mexicans went back to Mexico. Our economy is made better by both illegal and legal immigrants. A report created by the Partnership for a New American Economy opened our eyes to how much hard work and benefit the immigrants have. They show us that forty percent of fortune 500 companies in America were founded by immigrants or their offspring. They have created so much revenue according to the report that it would be more than the “GDP (gross domestic product) of every country in the world outside the U.S., except China and Japan.” Also let’s not forget Apple, Google, and McDonald’s were founded by immigrants. One important fact to note is that Steve Jobs had an immigrant parent from Syria. According to the U.S. department of agriculture “about half of the hired workers employed in US crop agriculture were unauthorized.” These are jobs that won’t be able to be replaced and would be a big cut to the economy. We have been presented with an opportunity to embrace these people and cultures and gain from what they bring. Which is much more than what they take. I think we can make the obvious assessment and allow what helps us and vigorously take care of the very few criminals. If we were to take an actual dive into the laws of immigration you might be quite surprised at what you find. Simply stepping on our soil is a legal way to apply for citizenship if you are running from tyranny. “BuT wHy dOn’T tHeY jUsT gEt leGaL pApErS?” BECAUSE THEY LACK THE BASIC TECHNOLOGY TO EVEN CONSIDER GETTING ANY PAPERS LET ALONE HAVING THE MONEY TO CONSIDER GETTING DOCUMENTATION WHILE THEIR TOWNS ARE BEING LEVELED OUT BY BOMBS. The point of America is to be able to build a better future when you have nothing and that includes anyone in the entire world who is willing to put in the work. While inequality is at an all time high, their are still many avenues to success if that is what you truly want.

In this next example they immediately cherry pick individual politicians to make liberals seem like they want the military to come to the door to confiscate our guns. They have an article titled “Liberal Judge Wants all Guns Banned; says “they should be dumped in the ocean.” This is a typical misleading article taken way out of context to shape your perspective on how all liberals want over the top gun control. Which mind you in reality is not very extreme and we should obviously vote against this guy. The gun control laws Hillary and Bernie sanders propose which account for the majority of Democratic voters are based on logic and common sense. Such as Hillary, Obama and Bernie all want universal background checks to make it a little harder for felons to obtain weapons. Hillary has proposed in her debate that we shouldn’t let people on the no fly list own a gun as well. That is simply common sense. I would call this an example of right wing logic taking away from real solutions to issues.

I am convinced this website is creating propaganda using a deliberate and systematic approach, they are organized and planned, and they create an ideology of misinformation and emotion mostly fear and anger. They do an amazing job at using these techniques to misguide uninformed voters. The facts are so wrong it makes my blood boil. 


“About Us – Young Conservatives.” Young Conservatives. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.

“The New American Fortune 500.” New American Economy, June 2011. Web.

Steven Zahniser, Thomas Hertz, Peter B. Dixon, Maureen T. Rimmer. “Immigration Policy and Its Possible Effects on U.S. Agriculture.” USDA ERS -. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.

His Plan Has Been a Tough Sell to the American People. “5 Immigration Myths Debunked.” CNNMoney. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.

By Clicking. “Hillary Clinton on Gun Violence Prevention.” Gun Violence Prevention. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2016

Krogstad, Jens Manuel, Jeffrey S. Passel, and D’Vera Cohn. “5 Facts about Illegal Immigration in the U.S.” Pew Research Center RSS. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.

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