Young Cons on ‘climate change’

The Young Conservatives are just right wing LIARS and I’ll prove that over and over. 

Now, let’s dissect this nonsense.

The Young Cons have an article titled:

“New Image from NASA Debunks Climate Change: Antarctica is Growing Larger”

Their use of logic is illogical and frankly the author’s reading skills are at most a fourth grade level. They cite an article on NASA’s website from October 2015 and of course cherry pick what they want from the article and enormously misinterpret the information.

First, they claim liberals use the Antarctic as their evidence for global warming. This is dead wrong; actually there’s a lot of different evidence scientists go off of.

Just to give some examples we use earth’s global surface temperature, Greenland’s ice sheets shrinking data, the ocean’s temperature, and even concrete data on the oceans sea level- which is clearly rising and we can definitely confirm it’s not from overweight people swimming in the ocean. The author who wrote this article (I’ll leave her name out) is clearly writing this nonsense for the sake of getting paid, or literally won’t do any outside research. 

I honestly don’t even want to get into the animals that are being effected.

The author the goes on to cite one small portion of the NASA report.

The author paraphrases Dr. Zwally and says, “Instead of contributing to to rising sea levels, the still very much frozen southern continent is actually reducing them by 0.23mm per year.”

Now the actual quote is, “The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away.”

The critical reading missing here is the word ‘currently.’ If you go back a few paragraphs and actually read the report it says essentially that the ice is growing only in East Antarctica and the interior of West Antarctica and it is an accumulation of snowfall over the past 10,000 years and Dr. Zwally says:

“If the losses of the antarctic peninsula and part of the west arctic continue to increase at the same rate they’ve been increasing over the last two decades, the losses will catch up with the long term gain in 20 to 30 years. I don’t think there will be enough snowfall increase to offset these losses.”

Furthermore, he says that the increase in snow fall the arctic is creating is bad news because, as Zwally points out,

“There must be some other contribution to sea level rise that is not accounted for.”

Bringing us back to the core point that climate change is real regardless of where sea rise might be coming from.

Just to drive my point home a more recent report from NASA in September 2016 says that arctic sea ice minimum extent is effectively tied with 2007 for the second lowest yearly minimum in satellite record.”

I really hope you see by now the ignorance, the painful, painful ignorance, coming directly out of Lucifer’s methane hole.

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